News APIs

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Retrieve news articles for identified companies


You can use this API to retrieve news articles for a set of companies, specified by domain. Credits are consumed based on the number of articles returned.

Articles can be filtered by content category or type. Further, the response set can be limited by article publish date or by article extraction date (the date SalesIntel identified it). These two dates may be different; if you are looking to get all articles and then keep the full list up to date, extraction date is recommended.

The response set is paginated, with up to 50 records per page. You are charged credits based on the number of records on the pages accessed. If you only retrieve the first page of results out of 10, at a page size of 50, you will be charged for 50 records. The page size is adjustable.

The news article extraction timeframe started on February 20, 2023. 6 months of news data (based on published date) is available, but only starting from that extraction date.

Query Parameters



200: OK

To see the full response, use the playground at

Response Model
  "aggregations": {},
  "batch_id": {},
  "error": "string",
  "is_preview": true,
  "page": 0,
  "page_size": 0,
  "result_count": 0,
  "search_results": [
      "article": {
        "article_id": "string",
        "description": "string",
        "extraction_date": "string",
        "link": "string",
        "news_category": "string",
        "news_event_type": "string",
        "published_date": "string",
        "publisher_name": "string",
        "publisher_url": "string",
        "rss_url": "string",
        "title": "string"
      "primary_domain": "string"
  "sort_by": "string",
  "sort_direction": "string",
  "took": 0,
  "total_count": 0,
  "tracking_id": "string"


News Categories and Types

Last updated